

Islamic Calender

Wireless Technology: Can We Live Without It?


Tajuk sangat sempoi, tapi pengisian yang sangat banyak. Ini tajuk Syarahan Perdana kat tempat bees. At first, wireless system, wireless application, satellite communication, wireless com. in m'sia, evolution of wireless application and services & last but not least wireless technology impact and social. Bunyinya cam berbelit-belit saje. But penerangan arinih is very good. maybe sebab ada student sekolah, dia bg talk from a-z. sangat detailed. Yang tak tahu pasal history of communication pun da tahu serba sedikit. From analog to digital system etc. Contoh yang dibagi pun very simple. It's about ur life and around u. radio,gps, rfid, bluetooth, cell phone, fm & am, freq band..pehhh..banyak sangat.

Technology yang menggunakan wireless sangat banyak membantu dalam kerja-kerja seharian dan mencipta sesuatu menjadi compact. From the cellphone, car etc. Sangat menarik....From phone = mirror, projector, blutooth, gps and other application as usual.
Contoh lain kereta adalah objek dan boleh remoote menggunakan satu remoote. dari satu remote boleh lock and unlock kereta, start enjin, buka pintu dan tutp pintu. In the end, there is video bout using cellphone can change from the egg to anak ayam..hahaha..kelakar..Very interesting presentation...

Mood; very happy and x mengantok..tu penting..
Input : new knowledge on wireless
Kesimpulan: Sendiri Mau Ingat La.

The End

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